Animation Studio Limited
37 Merlin Drive
© Animation Studio Ltd 2017 All rights reserved
After 30 years of operation I’ve worked in many different
areas for top global companies such as:
BASF Grundig BOC Ford Bosch Seimens Welcome
Genome Hub Network Rail Babraham Institute Samsung
NEFF Honda RICS NIAB GSK Electrolux British Gas
Miele Vodaphone GasSafe RBS Linde Thyssen Krupp
Reckit Benkiser Anglia Ruskin University Currys Comet
Video Arts Dolly Parton …and the Beano
This film for NIAB is a
good example of how
animation can be used to
make an entertaining and
accessible programme to
explain a complex subject
Helen Mirren kindly
voiced this on the threat
that Xylella poses to the
UK - for the John Innes
Dolly Parton’s Imagination
Library funded Swansea
University research into
the benefits to children
and families
Here’s a good example of
using animation to
engage viewers in a
serious problem that can
be difficult to talk about
Here’s an example of
using 3-D animation to
explain a serious
problem for farmers
This programme for the
Babraham Institute
introduces their
fascinating work on